Monday, 10 February 2020

Going shopping?

"Keep" for Making Notes on Your Phone or Computer

You are sure to need a list from time to time.  One of the best list-making apps is Keep.  As we speak, my husband is at the supermarket looking at his phone, as he checks what I have put on the shopping list and ticks it off.  He's not that proficient on the computer or phone so I have pinned the shopping list to the top of all my notes so he can find it easily in the dozens of notes I have.  He knows he just has to open the Keep app when he goes shopping.
You can see, at the bottom right-hand side of this list, two circles in the screenshot.  This means that I have shared the "Groceries" note that I made with him and one other person (my granddaughter who lives with me) so that anyone of us can add to the shopping list at any time.  
  • Because we have made it a checkbox list, every time that he buys an item he checks it and it drops off the top of the list.  
  • Each time you go to the supermarket you can re-use the same list by unchecking the items that you need, or adding anything new as well.
  • You can also add a time and date to the list so that it pops up on the phone, or, even better, you can add the address where you go shopping so that when you arrive there (if location is enabled on your phone), the list pops up on the phone as well.  
  • You can change the colour of the list, but more importantly, add images to the list (which I sometimes do to make sure he gets the right brand), add drawings (which can be converted to text if you write text on the drawing pad) and many more things which I won't go into right now.  
  • My husband often writes his own list in handwriting and so I just take a photo of it and add it to the Keep note.  That way it doesn't matter if he loses or forgets his paper list.
  • Everything is saved in the cloud, so if you are sitting at home like I am at the moment, you can add things to the list and it will be seen straight away by the shopper with data on their smart phone.  
  • You can get Keep for free from the App Store or from Google Play if you have an android phone, otherwise just search for it on your computer and when you sign in with your gmail you will be able to see the same lists that are on your phone.
  • The coolest thing is that Keep integrates with your google docs and email as well but that is another story to tell on another day.  
Tomorrow, I will also share a video with you on how to use Keep.


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